9 Reasons Why MonsterGov’s Federal Applicant Assessments Stand Out
Monster Applicant Assessments is a federally compliant applicant testing platform that allows federal agencies to accurately, consistently and reliably assess job candidates – based on job-relevant competencies, skills, experience, and more – and integrates with Monster Hiring Management Enterprise (MHME) for auto-populated scoring and easier identification of the most qualified job seekers.
Here are some of our favorite features of Monster’s Applicant Assessments solution:
Standardized Assessments MonsterGov’s standardized Applicant Assessment batteries were developed and validated by I/O Psychologists to assess non-technical competencies important for successful job performance for supervisory or non-supervisory positions across occupational series in the federal government. This allows agencies to combine the robust non-technical Standardized Assessments with their existing vacancy-specific occupational questionnaires that are already customized for the agency’s unique positions and technical requirements.
Reusable Scores Applicants applying to multiple announcements that leverage the standardized assessments, regardless of occupational series, will only have to take the assessment once within a designated time frame. An applicant’s valid, unexpired score is automatically applied to future applications at no additional cost to the agency, and agencies can determine how long the scores will be valid and reusable.
Seamless Applicant Experience Assessments can be administered within the application workflow during the vacancy open period – applicants do not have to go to a separate area or wait until the vacancy closes to complete this step.
Non-Supervisory Assessments and ACWA Alternative The standard non-supervisory assessment can be used as a valid assessment alternative to OPM ACWA for applicable GS-5 and GS-7 grade levels.
Streamlined Reasonable Accommodation (RA) Requests RA adjudicators have permissioned access to an accommodations module where they can securely review RA requests, correspond with applicants, and implement their adjudication decisions. Applicants are automatically notified with adjudication results and instructions for completing the assessment.
Agency-Specific Batteries and Custom Assessments For more tailored assessment capabilities, MonsterGov’s I/O Psychology team can construct agency-specific batteries from our catalog of validated tests to target particular competencies or test experience characteristics, which can be combined with other hiring assessments (T&E questions or structured interviews). MonsterGov can also work with an agency’s SMEs to develop custom assessments for unique federal jobs or mission-critical positions.
Competency-Validation with Job Analysis Federal agencies can leverage MHME’s state-of-the-art Job Analysis module to document and confirm that the competencies measured in standardized assessments are relevant to the job.
Federally Compliant with Flexible Implementations Monster Applicant Assessments meets federal regulations, and supports EO 13932, while offering agencies the flexibility to implement the most effective hiring program for their unique needs.
FedRAMP-Secure and Data Privacy MHME is a FedRAMP-authorized talent acquisition system that protects sensitive applicant data and allows agencies to maintain complete control of that data and who has access to it.
Ready for streamlined and flexible assessments to qualify your federal job applicants?
Reach out to MonsterGov today >