MonsterGov for Workforce Boards
Monster Government Solutions transforms the way workforce boards connect job seekers to employers with modern and engaging recruitment, employment, and workforce development technology solutions.
Leveraging our expertise in connecting people to jobs, Monster Government Solutions ("MonsterGov") works with workforce boards to effectively serve job seekers, engage employers, facilitate connections with programs and services, and foster growth within the workforce community – all while meeting Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requirements. MonsterGov develops, delivers, and implements employment solutions to help local or regional workforce development boards (WDBs) and Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs) serve youth, veterans, adults, dislocated workers, underemployed, and employers.
Transform the Way You Serve Clients

The MonsterWorks Case Management platform empowers workforce development professionals to maintain a holistic view of career-seeking individuals, while easily administering local workforce programs through an automated system that meets the needs of job seekers, employers, and entire communities.
Connect Job Seekers to Training Programs

Monster’s Eligible Training Provider Platform is easily accessible, mobile-friendly and meets WIOA goals. It ensures a skilled workforce and is a go-to resource for training providers, staff, and job seekers alike.
Match People to Job Openings

The SearchMonster tool enables workforce boards to conduct in-depth searches across millions of resumes in the® database to connect job seekers with opportunities as well as to provide recruitment assistance for their employer clients.
Easily Promote Job Postings

Monster Job Ads improve business services for employers by notifying job seekers across the country of job openings. When a job ad is posted through Monster, the ad reaches targeted candidates wherever they are likely to engage – whether locally, on® or other job sites, on social media, or on mobile devices.
Let’s Talk About Employment Solutions!
Want to join the other workforce boards who have trusted MonsterGov to help them connect employers to job seekers and develop their workforce with technology that delivers results?